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KCWK was first founded in the 1840s by Xinhui Clansmen who came from Guangdong's Pearl River Delta in China. The clan association was initially set up to provide temporary lodgings for new immigrants from Xinhui. Some of these Xinhui entrepreneurs later went on to fund Kwong Wai Siew Peck San Theng, a public cemetery for the Cantonese and Thong Chai Medical institution.
In 1939, nearly 100 years after the founding of the clan association, the KCWK’s Lion Dance troupe was established with the same name as the clan association. The association practices 洪拳 (Hong Quan), which has had many influences on the way in which the lion moves and performs. The KCWK lion dance style is specifically 佛山狮 (Foshan Style), which is known to be a fierce and mighty style.
Some important occasions where these lions would be activated is during 清明 in spring (Qing Ming, or the Tomb Sweeping Festival) and 重阳 in autumn (Chong Yang, or the Double Ninth Festival) which are ancestral worship occasions. Of course, we would see them performing during Chinese New Year too!

Audio: Lynn from Kong Chow Wui Koon shares with us the importance of clan associations in the life of Singapore's early Chinese migrant society. Linking back to the functions of the clan association, she elaborates on the purpose of lion dance in rituals and the meaning surrounding lion dance.


In 1920, Mr. Li Yisheng started the “怡怡堂瑞狮团”, or Yi Yi Dang Lion Dance Troupe in Singapore. These troupe members were mostly clansmen from 鹤山 (Heshan), a municipality in Guangdong, China. The light and lively lion dance style which this troupe practices, is specific to the municipality which shares the same name as the district, 鹤山狮 (Heshan Lion). By 1939, the troupe changed its name to 鹤山会馆 (Hok San Clan Association), using the Cantonese dialect over the original Mandarin.
One of the most important regular occasions that the troupe participates in is the visit to a Cantonese ancestral burial ground twice a year during 清明 in spring (Qing Ming, or the Tomb Sweeping Festival) and 重洋 in autumn (Chong Yang, or the Double Ninth Festival) to pay respect to the ancestors. In addition, the troupe is also active during the Chinese New Year period and Singapore Heritage Festival, an annual celebration of Singaporean heritage which is presented by the National Heritage Board.

Picture and Video: Visit to the Cantonese Burial Ground


Audio: Jack, Secretary-General of Chin Woo (Athletic) Association Singapore, shares with us the history of the association in relation to Singapore and how the 'Golden Lion' was created.
The association originated from Shanghai and was officially founded by 霍元甲 (Mr Huo Yuan Jia) on the 7th of July 1910. In 1921, his son 霍东阁 (Mr Huo Dong Ge) and a group of other instructors travelled around South East Asia to set up more of these martial arts institutes. On the 9th of August 1921, Singapore’s Chin Woo Association was formed. There are more than 50 Chin Woo Associations around the world, in places such as Canada, Australia, and the United States.
The Chin Woo Singapore lion dance troupe was officially set up in 1947. This occurred after the first batch of lion heads were brought to Singapore by Mr Wei Yuan Feng (魏元峰先生) in 1934 from Hebei. The Golden lion dance troupes are the most active during Chinese New Year, Singapore Heritage festival, when performing for their honorary members and during the overseas exchange with Chin Woo Malaysia, China and the United States. These networks around the world are pretty much still kept alive till today.
Some of the values of the Chin Woo Association include patriotism (爱国), self-discipline (修身), righteousness (正义) and benevolence (助人). In particular, patriotism was exemplified through their various diplomatic missions to countries like Germany, United Kingdom, Japan, India, and Iran. Sometimes these visits were commissioned by either the Singapore Tourism Board or SIA to demonstrate Singapore as a travel destination to the rest of the world. Furthermore, men who were part of the voluntary corps in replacement of National Service would learn Lion Dance from the association. Their contribution to Singapore is undeniable.

In 1967, Seow Lim Teck Eng Tiong (SLTET) was first founded to practice wushu and their well known luminous dragon. The Lion dance we know today was added onto the list of SLTET activities in the later years of the association. They are one of many troupes under the 南方佛鹤狮艺源流 (Lam Fong Fut Hok Martial Arts School), practicing Fok Hok Lion Dance Style taught by Master 潘进德.
SLTET’s lion dance troupe regularly performs during Chinese New Year and the birthdays of deities which they pay respect to. The largest annual event that SLDET takes part in is the Nine Emperor God Festival held by Hong San Temple. The annual participation in the event has prevailed since the first founder who was connected to the temple as they lived in the same village.


After the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1912, Gan De Yuan (干德源) is said to have brought the art of the Green Lion to Singapore. He started the first Green Lion Dance Association in Singapore (中华青狮体育会) more than 80 years ago. The 中华武术会馆 (Zhong Hua Wu Shu Hui Guan) is a supplementary association of them, and they were established in 2004. The Green Lion association mostly performs during Chinese New Year and other major festivals. They primarily practice Green
Lion as it is their specialty, however, they also practice the Southern Lion Dance as well. The Green Lion is one of the less known Lion Dance styles amongst the Lion Dances in Singapore. However, the association in Singapore helped spread the art Green Lion dance to Malaysia, the United States, and Canada, these respective Green Lion associations can be found in the "Chinatown" enclaves of each country. The association has a close connection with the Perak's association located in Malaysia, and they would travel over at least once a year to celebrate their anniversary or other big festivals. This close connection is also highlighted when the Perak association was invited to perform at 中华武术会馆 14th-anniversary celebration in 2019.
Throughout the years and amongst the different countries, the fundamental spirit of the Green Lion stays true and remains constant, with only a distinct difference seen in the features of the lion head. It is also the most formidable lion as it has a strong and aggressive spirit that is said to be intimidating.
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